Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wall Art: Bathroom Wall Decal

When deciding what to do with the wall space in our bathroom I knew I wanted something fun, yet quaint. I also wanted it to have a thin profile (that way no one would be bumping into it) due to the narrow walk-way between the wall and the vanity. The perfect solution... a wall decal (fun, quaint, and zero hazard of bumping into)!



Close Up:

How It's Done:
  1. Clean the surface (I just wiped the wall down a few times with a damp paper towel.)
  2. Scrape the decal with the plastic card (If yours doesn't come with one you can use a credit card). 
  3. Use a tape measure and level to position your decal where you want it. (You can use a pencil to lightly mark points of alignment or tape if you don't want to mark your walls.)
  4. Tape the top of the decal to the wall (preferably with vertical strips).
  5. Fold the decal up 180 degrees and slowly peel the backing off.
  6. After making sure it's still positioned correctly, fold the decal back down.
  7. Using your hands, press the decal against the wall working from the center to the outer edge. (Note: You can also use the plastic card here again).
  8. Starting from the top remove the front sheet in a slow downward motion. If some of the decal doesn't stick to the wall, press it back down and apply more pressure.
  9. Stand back and admire your new wall art!
I ordered my decal online from Belvedere Designs Wall Quotes. And thanks to my friends over at Young House Love, you can get 15% off by entering the code YHL15 at checkout! Or become a fan on Facebook to get exclusive discounts and updates!

Side Note:
I actually did this decal in our bathroom before the one in our kitchen. I'm also trying to think about where I can put my next one. What can I say, I just can't get enough of them... they're fun, easy and they don't break-the-bank!

Your Feedback:
Do you have wall space in your home you just can't decide what to do with?


  1. That looks fantastic ! Way to make a statement with simple art on your walls, love it !


  2. Ahh Jack! i love these wall decals! You are so creative, i really enjoy following your blog!
