
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Finishing the Basement: Framing & Electrical

It's been awhile since I've given you an update on your basement's progress... It's coming along slowly but surely! Travis has been doing most of the work but I think he would tell you that I make a good assistant! We have also received some much appreciated help from a few friends and our papas. With 9 weeks until our baby's due date I'm just hoping things progress quickly from here on out and that perhaps the hubby will hire out some of the work!

Our "little helper"...
The area to the right is our bathroom and the area to the left (where Angelia is sitting) is our closet.

For the framing we used premium 2 x 4's and along the floor we used pressure-treated 2 x 4's just in case moisture gets underneath them. The pink insulation you see is 2 inches of foam-board which we sealed with spray foam (this gives us the recommended 'R-Value' of 10).

Like many old homes, ours has VERY small tiny closets so I am extremely excited about our new cedar closet!

The wall on the right separates our bedroom from the laundry / storage room / work bench area.

Remember our first basement project, enlarging the window?

And remember our latest basement update, replacing a window?

At first we were going to use track-lighting but after soon thought we decided to go with these can-lights. There are a total of 9 throughout the basement. Since our basement ceiling is going to remain exposed we will spray the lights black along with the ceiling so they blend in nicely.

To add some additional lighting we are also using wall-sconces. There will be a total of 6 throughout the basement and stairway.

When deciding what height to mount the light-switches we measured the height of the switches upstairs and made them the same for consistency and flow.

To run the wire we drilled holes in the 2 x 4's and feed the wire through.

Have you had any experience doing framing or electrical work?


  1. Nice work, we're basically doing the same thing to our basement right now. Just wondering what size of can light you used and what did you do with them to prep for paint?

  2. What size can light did you use? 4in? 6in? We are trying to decide which looks best.
