
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Restoring Wood Finishes: My New Old Desk

When it comes to restoring furniture it can be a bit intimidating, but with the right products and a little knowledge, it can actually be quite simple and easy to do! For example on this project, besides using my product-of-choice, the only other thing I used was a cloth (actually I cut apart an old t-shirt). The product I used was recommended to me by my mom, it's called Howard: Retor-A-Finish...

Yesterday I shared our new office space with my $100 Craigslist desk...
I committed to purchasing the desk after only seeing one small photo of it on the website. It's lines and charming characteristics had me at hello. A few days later, after seeing it in real life I was even more in love, it was in great condition all it needed was a little T.L.C...
What I love about it... it's beautifully carved edges, it's many drawers for storage, it's lip below the top side drawers (separating it from the three larger drawers below them), it's eight little legs, it's high-quality construction, and it's wooden pulls (though I'm debating whether or not I want to replace them with clear-glass pulls).

I began by cleaning it with damp paper-towels and vacuuming out the drawers...
...then I just rubbed on the Restor-A-Finish and instantly the scratches began to disappear and the wood began to shine again!

I'm very pleased with how it turned out! Now to fill the drawers, add creative touches to the space and put it to work! Hopefully I'll get to it soon, but for now the garden and two little girls are calling me!



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{This post was shared on Today's Creative BlogMy Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, The Shabby Chic Cottage, The DIY ClubMiss Mustard Seed, and Remodelaholic.}
Today's Creative Blog
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Transformation Thursday

DIY Club

Furniture Feature Fridays



  1. Love what you did with that desk - I am so gonna get some of that product to use on my mom's antique dressing table and dresser! Thanks for sharing over at Today's Creative Blog. I "followed" your blog today!

    Mary @

  2. I just found this little desk this weekend for $12.50 at a local thrift store and i am so excited about it! i love what you did with this desk. I surely will have to give it a whirl!
