
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thrifty Find: 1873 Jar

While searching through table-after-table of stuff at an estate sale last weekend I came across this...
...A vintage jar with 1873 imprinted on the bottom. It was marked $1.00 which I would have gladly paid, but it just so happened to be "everything half-price day!" So for fifty cents this little gem came home with me!

After giving it a quick cleaning, I filled it with some sand and place a tealight inside...

After putting this together I thought to myself, "this looks very PB," so I did a search on Google for "Pottery Barn Jar" and found this...
...for $7.50! I actually prefer my estate sale find and I paid $6.00 less... 1/15 of Pottery Barn's price! Oooh... ya! Plus, mine has a story and more character! AND it's always fun to find something unique that you love!

...See what my mom found, here.

{This post was shared on The Shabby Chic Cottage, and Somewhat Simple.}

Transformation Thursday


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Image of estate sale sign courtesy of Apartment Therapy.


  1. have such a great eye...I just past it up....

  2. You should get a job with the Federal Reserve! You'd fix things in NO time!

  3. I've just added myself to your list of followers. Some really good ideas you have here. Such creativity is getting me excited for spring and some paint projects. I'll be back!

  4. Love it....I did this myself over Christmas with a new ball jar and some twine. So charming...Hope you are following my blog..if not, check it out....
    thanks, Mariaelena

  5. I adore thrift stores/estate sales because you never know what treasure you'll came back with! Also your pictures are wonderful. It's always fun to go through a blog with good pictures. Clicked to follow - come follow me too :-)

  6. I also have the same jar thanks for the info

  7. Hi Jaclyn,
    I have recently found two of the 1873 jars at an estate sale. I was hoping to replace the rubber gaskets on the mouth of the jar but I can't find who made the jars. Any suggestions?
