
Friday, March 18, 2011

Lavender Basket

It's time for another fun, easy and inexpensive project "CHC"! Gotta love those, right? ...And you only need four items!
What I used…
  • Dried Lavender (Hobby Lobby)
  • Preserved Sheet Moss (Hobby Lobby)
  • Rattan Wallbasket (Hobby Lobby- originally $10, got it 50% Off)
  • Clay Tag (Freckled Laundry Etsy Shop)
  • ...I also used a woven drop cloth as my work surface for a quick clean up (I simply shook it outside).

Step 1:
Line the front side of the basket with moss. Push it all the way down to the bottom and leave some peeking through the top.
(Note: The one bag of sheet moss was the perfect amount for this basket.)
Step 2 & 3:
I used a piece of natural jute to make a loop for hanging, but you could probably just hang it by it's metal frame as well. Next, fill the basket with dried lavender. Pull the lavender apart to make the arrangement fuller.
Step 4:
Hang your clay tag. Slip the twine around a vine or wire and loop it through.
Lavender Basket...

A great way to create something you really love… is to use things you love individually!

For instance...

I love wire.
I love vines.
I love baskets.

I love moss.

I love lavender.
...Especially, in our bedroom (or bath), to me it symbolizes relaxation and it makes me feel relaxed just by seeing (or smelling) it!


I love clay tags!
The clay tag was made by the wonderful, Jami from Freckled Laundry! She has a fabulous blog and etsy shop!

It's hanging next to our bed...
L.O.V.E. it!



Thank you so much for visiting CHC! I love your sweet comments, and read all of them! Please become a Follower and a fan on facebook…


  1. That is such a cute project! Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great day.

  2. That is really cute!!
    I love lavender!!! It just smells so good!!

  3. I love lavendar too. I didn't know you could get dried lavendaar at Hobby Lobby. Thanks!


  4. I love this, Jaclyn. I might make one for the front door. Lavender is one of my favorite things. I'm with Megan...didn't know you could get it Hobby Lobs. I REALLY appreciate the sweet things you said about my clay tags. I'm so happy you love them! Thank you again.


  5. This really turned out lovely! Lavender is a favorite of mine!
