
Monday, February 21, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

The wonderful and talented, Lynn at Cottage and Creek, has nominated Cool Home Creations for the 'Stylish Blogger Award!' ...Thanks, Lynn!

The criteria for receiving the Stylish Blogger Award...
  • Thank and link back to the person who bestowed the award.
  • Share seven things about yourself.
  • Nominate a few other, perhaps newly found, favorite bloggers.
  • Contact your nominees and inform them about the award.
    Here we go…
    ...I was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
    ...I grew up in an old restored train depot.

    ...I placed at Nationals in Cross Country.
    ...I asked my parents for an old sailboat for my high school graduation gift.
    ...I was a member of the Alpha Chi Omega Sorority.
    ...I have a degree in Agribusiness.
    ...I lived in Italy for a summer.

    And the Stylish Blogger Award goes to...
    A Country Farmhouse
    All Things Heart and Home
    Freckled Laundry

    Thanks for recognizing Cool Home Creations! What a fun way to share the love during the, even more so, appropriate month of February! Blessings and Happy Blogging!



    Thank you so much for visiting CHC! I love your sweet comments, and read all of them! Please become a Follower and a fan on facebook…


    1. Congratulations to you on your much deserved award!


    2. Congratulations on your award! SO COOL that you grew up in an old train station! I am so curious as to what the interior looks like! Thank you so much for nominating my blog for the award, too. Very sweet of you!

