
Friday, February 25, 2011

Just For Fun: Valentine Orchids

For Valentine's Day the hubby and I usually keep it sweet and simple when it comes to giving gifts... We usually just pick up a few inexpensive things for each other to make the day extra special. Some years we make each other gifts and/or write each other a thoughtful letter (which I prefer, but unfortunately sometimes the busyness of today's world gets in the way). This year our gifts to each other gave us both a surprise that was actually kind of funny...

Jaclyn’s Gift to Travis…
Travis’ Gift to Jaclyn...
That's right... we got each other the same gift! I guess that means we know each other well, and we know we both like it! This May will be our five year anniversary! We've never owned an orchid before, or really ever talked about getting one, but I guess it was time! I picked mine up at Whole Foods and Travis got his at Wal-Mart... though we got the same color orchid and the same color pot, and they were both $15 (mine was originally $20, on sale for $15)! Though Travis jokes that his looks better because it has more blooms!



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