
Friday, January 29, 2010

Let's Get Organized: Freezer

I know this is another one of those dreaded places to clean out, but that's why I'm here to inspire you, right? I've been neglecting my freezer for a long time. And it was kind of the same story as my pantry and cupboard... I didn't really have any idea what was in there or how old it was, or in this case how completely freezer burned it was! Each time I went to the grocery store I would just cram things in wherever I could get them to fit. Let's just say I ended up throwing a lot of things out!

One of the benefits of having an organized freezer is that it will help you save money by making sure you use the food you have before it's time to toss it!

So let's get started...
  1. Turn-up freezer temperature (since you'll be having the door open for awhile)
  2. Take everything out while checking the dates
  3. Throw-out anything that is older than 1 year or appears freezer-burned
  4. Give it a good wipe down & be sure to dry
  5. Decide what you want to storage on each shelf (consider size & amount of item vs size of shelf)
  6. Put items that tend to get freezer-burned inside plastic freezer bags
  7. Put everything back in with newer items in the back & older items in the front
  8. Turn temperature back down



Shelf-by-Shelf Break Down:

Shelf #1: pasta & potatoes...

Shelf #2: pizza, skillet meals, hors d'oeuvres ...

Shelf #3: ground beef & meatballs...

Shelf #4: chicken breast, pork chops, fish, shrimp...

Drawer: vegetables

Three vegetables you should alway keep in your freezer: peas, broccoli and spinach. They are wonderful to throw into pasta, plus it's a great way to get your servings of veggies! Buying a bag a frozen spinach is a great deal when you think of how many bags of fresh spinach it would take to make one bag of frozen spinach!

Door Top Shelf: (all-fruit) top-sickles

Door Bottom half: ice cream, breakfast items...

Since we don't use our ice-maker (because the water that comes out taste like plastic) I decided to use it for more storage space.

Ice Compartment: fruit

Although frozen foods remain safe indefinitely you'll want to limit the freeze time for quality reasons. Putting food in freezer bags will help prolong it's quality!

bacon & sausage..................................1-2 months
casseroles.............................................2-3 months
egg whites or egg substitutes............12 months
frozen dinners & entrees....................3-4 months
gravy, meat & poultry........................2-3 months
ham, hotdogs & lunchmeats...............1-2 months
meat (uncooked roast)........................4-12 months
meat (uncooked steaks or chops)......4-12 months
meat (uncooked ground).....................3-4 months
meat (cooked).......................................2-3 months
poultry (uncooked whole)...................12 months
poultry (uncooked parts)....................9 months
poultry (uncooked giblets)..................3-4 months
poultry (cooked)...................................4 months
soups & stews........................................2-3 months
wild game (uncooked)..........................8-12 months

How do you organize your freezer?

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