
Friday, July 29, 2011


I haven't made an announcement here on the blog, but I did post one on the CHC facebook page a few weeks ago. In case you missed it... We're Expecting Baby #3!!! I'm actually already 20 weeks along, half-way there! His/Her due date is December 10... it's going to be a fun Christmas! We had our sonogram two weeks ago, but we decided not to find out the sex of the baby this time. Being as though we have 2 girls, we're kind of hoping for a boy, though 3 girls would be fun too! You may remember the unique way we found out the sex of our second baby (Miss Chiara), if not you can view the post on it, here. Come December, we'll have a 3 year old, a 1 1/ 2 year old, and a newborn... it's going to be a full house! Angelia and the new baby will be around 3 years and 2  months apart in age, and Chiara and the new baby will be around 19 months apart in age (the same as Angelia and Chiara).

This is my belly at 5 weeks...
 And this is my belly at 20 weeks...
See the little bump? Ok, so you can hardly tell I'm pregnant! This is how I was with my pregnancies with both of the girls, and they weren't small babies, both were born 7 lbs. 3oz. Something about my body just makes it take longer to show I guess. And that's just fine with me! ; ) I know he/she's in there because I can feel him/her move and two weeks ago we got to see this...
 Cool Baby # 3- 18 Weeks

Besides the fact that I have a million different projects going on (like usual), "nesting" is in full swing! I actually got something done today that makes me feel more ready for our new baby to arrive. Sure we still have 20 weeks to prepare, but I guess reaching the half-way mark made me have the urge to do a more practical baby related project...

Eventually baby #3 will sleep in his/her own room upstairs but for the first few months he/she'll room with us. Which is why a corner of our bedroom went from this...
To this...
And then to this...
You may remember the lavender basket from a previous post. It was hanging next to our bed, but a few weeks ago it got bumped when I found something at one of my favorite local antique stores (I'll share that project soon.) It now hangs across the room above the bassinet for our new little-one to enjoy. The bassinet has been handed down in our family for many generation, and I think it's just the sweetest! My mom restored it and gave it to me when I was pregnant with Angelia (we used it for both the girls). Below it I filled a basket with some diapers for those middle-of-the-night changes.
 Hopefully I'll get some work done in the nursery soon. It's a MESS! First task, organizing lots of little girl clothes! That would definitely be one of the pros for having another girl... we've got plenty of clothes!



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  1. Your room looks awesome! Oh and I am pretty sure you 20 week picture is what my belly looks like all the time!

  2. Congrats on your baby on the way~
